Prof. Saif Hashim Al-Ansari graduated from the University of Wales back in 1985 with a PhD in Education (Applied Linguistics). He also holds a Diploma in Teaching English as a Foreign Language from Bahrain Teachers’ Training College, an Associateship award from London College of Education, a Diploma in Teaching English Overseas from Leeds University and a Masters’ Degree in TEFL from College of Education, University of Wales.
Prof. Al-Ansari has had many years of TEFL experience at different educational levels in Bahrain. In addition to this, held the post of the Chairman of the English Department at Bahrain University and was the Staff Tutor at the Faculty of Language Studies at the Arab Open University, Bahrain Branch. During his working years at the two Universities, he undertook a major task of having set up an Extensive English Reading Programmes for their students. He, moreover, did more than twenty academic papers which were published in reputable international, regional and local journals. His main academic interests lie in TEFL, Applied Psycho-linguistics and more recently developing TEFL programmes for an e-learning type of educational system. Before retirement, he was holding the post of Director of the English Language Unit at Arab Open University, AOU. He is currently involved in offering academic community services to both institutions and individuals.
About My Google Drive
I have recently transferred most of my quizzes to my google drive which can be accessed by clicking into my web site www.recycling-english.com.
Once clicked into my site you are in my google drive, and you may download any folder and save it onto your desktop. The folder gives you a clear map of all the English Quizzes and the Guided Reading Stories and Fairy Tales for improving your overall reading skills, hoping you find all the folders useful and meet your language expectations.
Please do not hesitate to leave me a note on my email address which is: saifalansari@gmail.com should you find any typo errors.